Academic Support

The Center for Disability Resources (CDR) is able to provide these expanded academic supports partially through the generosity of donors to the Brian McLane Legacy and Blesh Funds. 

CDR Academic Support Contact Info:

Phone: 315-443-4498


CDR Academic Support Services Provided Include:

    • Meet with a learning strategist once a week to work on time management, organizational skills, breaking down assignments, study strategies, note taking skills, writing support and other general academic supports. Students can set an appointment for the entire semester for the same day and time.
    • Connect to Academic Tutoring: Students are eligible for up to $200.00 per semester in voucher codes to use towards peer tutoring at CLASS in Bird Library. Learning Strategists will work with students find and secure content tutors through CLASS.
    • Information and referrals to other on-campus resources, such as the Math Clinic, Writing Center, Physics Clinic, Barnes Center, Academic Advising, and other resources.

Please note: CDR Academic Support is a service and not an accommodation. While we do our best to meet our student’s needs, these resources are not unlimited and are based on availability and funding resources. A referral can be made by the student’s assigned Access Coordinator. Any student needing these supports should reach out to or call 315-443-4498 during the first or second week of classes. Once academic support is full, students are placed on a waitlist and referred to CLASS for general academic support.