A Guide for Referring Students to CDR

For questions regarding a student who is already registered with our office, please contact either the Access Coordinator listed on the student’s Accommodation Letter (via the Disability Resource Portal), email the on-call access coordinator,  or call the front desk to ask to speak with the on-call.

Reasons to Refer a Student to CDR:

  1. If you suspect a student would benefit from disability-related accommodations and they shared with you they have a disability or used accommodations in the past:
    • Guide them to the CDR web page – Students – Register with CDR
      • Students can follow the detailed instructions provided on this page.
    1. If a student tells you they think they may have a learning disability, but have never been tested, please direct student to the Learning Assessment Center (LAC) section of our website. There they will find the necessary information to initiate a screening.
    1. The student has presented a letter of accommodation from CDR, but is NOT using the accommodations that you believe they may benefit from or if you believe they need additional resources.

    Reasons for faculty/staff to reach out to CDR:

    1. If you believe the student has a disability and it is adversely impacting his/her performance or behavior in class and his/her has not disclosed a disability or used accommodations or auxiliary aids in the past.
      • We can work with you on how to engage the student in a discussion about the sensitive topic of disability and how to make appropriate referrals.

    What CDR does not do/ Information CDR will not share:

    • Information pertaining to a student’s disability status, provide details of what the disability is or the rationale for the specific accommodations, without a written release from the student
    • Provide mental health or ADHD assessments
    • Schedule the student’s exam
    • Force or mandate a student to use their accommodations or disclose their disability status
    • Back date accommodations
    • Provide an excused absence letter pertaining to a personal or family emergency