Exam Services Information for Faculty

Instructors may be teaching students in their courses who need disability-related testing accommodations. The Center for Disability Resources (CDR) assists instructors in administering exams to students through a test proctoring service available at CDR.

Instructors are notified via email that a student has signed up to take an exam in CDR.  You are instructed to go into the Faculty Disability Portal to:

  1. Review the test sign-up
  2. Approve the sign up
  3. Upload your exam.

Instructors have two ways to provide CDR with their exams:

  1. Upload to the Faculty Disability Portal (accessible via  MySlice)
  2. Drop-off exams in-person 

Students with disabilities are entitled to the same access as their non-disabled peers. This includes, but is not limited to, opportunities to ask questions  during exams. Students accessing accommodations through CDR do not forfeit opportunities that their non-disabled peers have. We ask that faculty kindly provide their own or their TA’s contact information (cell phone or monitored email address) for this purpose. For general information, please contact the CDR Testing Center at 315.443.3606/4212, for urgent exam situations, please contact our front desk at 315.443.4498.

Reminder: Instructors must have the senate approved syllabus statement regarding Student’s with Disabilities.

About Student Responsibilities: 

We find it helpful for faculty to be aware of the student’s responsibilities and process. 

  1.  Students requesting exam accommodations must be registered with CDR.
  2. Faculty can view students’ Accommodation Letters in the Faculty Disability Portal.
  3. Instructors and students should discuss whether exams will be administered by CDR and make the appropriate arrangements for this at the beginning of the semester.
  4. Students with testing accommodations are encouraged to sign up for all their exams at the beginning of the semester.
  5. Students are required to sign up at least 48 hours ahead of the scheduled the exam to take their exams at CDR.
  6. Student Exam signups must coincide with the scheduled day/time of the class.
    1. If an alternate exam time is necessary due to course conflicts that impact their test accommodations, students will need to contact instructors for approval of the alternate time. Once established, instructors can approve the student’s sign-up in the Faculty Disability Portal. Students must forward email verification of instructor approval to CDR exams.

        Need Help? Review the Faculty Portal Guide.

        Contact Exams at cdrexams@syr.edu or (315) 443-3606