Types of Accommodations
There are three types of accommodations: testing, classroom and housing accommodations. Listed below are descriptions of the testing and classroom accommodations put in place by CDR to address barriers at the intersection of the disability in classroom and testing environments that instructors will encounter where applicable for students based on their disability-related needs.
A Note on Accommodations: Accommodations are not intended to ensure academic success or lessen student responsibilities to meet college-level standards, but rather utilize the same information shared with other students so disabled students have the same opportunity to achieve as non-disabled students.
To learn more about accommodations, visit the Accommodations page or speak with an Access Coordinator.
Testing Accommodations
- Access to Food and Drinks During Exams: a student’s disability may require them to have access to food or drink during an exam.
- Alternate Testing Location: Permit students the option to have CDR administer their exams. Students must follow CDR exam service policies, including signing up at least 48 hours in advance of the exam time.
- Avoid back-to-back exams: The scheduling of back-to-back exams must be avoided.
- Breaks During Exams: Student are allowed breaks during long exams. The time allocated for the break is compensated for in the allowable testing time. Breaks are typically 10 minutes per hour in addition to the testing time.
- Enlarged Print: Exams must be in enlarged print. The font size can vary depending on the student’s disability.
- Extended Time for Tests/Exams/Quizzes (1.5X): Extended time on in-class exams and quizzes in the amount of 1.5 (Time-and-a-half)
- Extended Time for Tests/Exams/Quizzes (2X): Extended time on in-class exams and quizzes in the amount of 2.0 (Double time)
- Live Reader: The use of a human reader to read the exam aloud to the student.
- Permit smartphone/watch to monitor medical condition as needed: Certain medical conditions require the monitoring device to be within a certain number of feet from the user in order to work. In those instances, CDR has a protocol for their use.
- Private Room: Single occupancy exam room.
- Reduced Distraction Environment: Students will take all exams in CDR’s exam space in 111 Waverly Ave.. Students must follow CDR exam service policies, including signing up at least 48 hours in advance of the exam time.
- Respondus/Lockdown Browser Exempt for BlackBoard Exams: Faculty create a duplicate exam within BlackBoard that does not require the student to use the ‘respondus’ lockdown browser. We advise students and faculty to discuss this accommodation in advance of any exam to ensure implementation.
- Scantron Exempt: Allows the use of handwritten responses rather than computerized answer sheets (scantron/bubble forms)
- Scribe: Use of a human proctor to transcribe the student’s responses to the test questions.
- Simple Function Calculator: Use of a basic, 4-function (non-programmable, non-graphing, non-scientific) calculator
- Text -to- Speech Technologies: This could include any text-to-speech apps and screen readers that convert digital text to audio.
- Use of Microsoft Word: Microsoft Word is used to type essay-based exams and short responses.
- Voice Recorded: Exam instructions and questions are pre-recorded with a human voice.
- Voice-to-Text: The use of a computer with voice-to-text software such as google docs or Microsoft dictate for all written answers.
Classroom Accommodations
- Access to Food and Drinks: A student’s disability may require them to have access to food or drink during class. The student is required to bring their own provisions. In classrooms where food and drink are not permitted (a sterile lab), the student should discuss an equally effective alternative with the instructor when necessary.
- Access to PowerPoints: When PowerPoints are being used – Provide at the time of class or after: Timing to Be Determined Between Student and Instructor
- Advance Access to PowerPoints – Timing to Be Determined Between Student and Instructor: When PowerPoints are being used, provide accessible version prior to class. Timing of when to get powerpoints to be determined between Student and Instructor
- Alternate Format: Books and materials in an electronic, screen-readable format. Instructors are responsible to ensure that all posted electronic reading materials are presented in an accessible, screen-readable format. Students must submit a request for an inaccessible book or article required for classes to CDR through their Student Disability Portal.
- Assignment Extensions: Allow for a 1-day (24 hour) extension for a maximum of two out-of-class assignments. When an extension for a disability-related need arises for a particular assignment, student will notify the instructor.
- Assignment Extensions with option for written agreement: Allow for a 1-day (24 hours) extension for a maximum of two out-of-class assignments. When an extension for a disability-related need arises for a particular assignment, student will notify the instructor. If additional extensions are necessary beyond 1 day (24 hours), Access Coordinator and/or Student will contact faculty to create a written agreement.
- Assistive Listening Devices: These devices are personal amplifiers (FM system) that are used by students who are hard-of-hearing to increase the volume of the professor’s voice in the classroom environment. Faculty are required to wear a microphone or transmitter during lectures. Some classrooms have this technology in the teacher’s station.
- Attendance Modification: If needed, allow for 1 additional absence beyond the attendance policy without penalty.
- Attendance Modification with option for written agreement: If needed, allow for 1 additional absence beyond the attendance policy without penalty. Access Coordinator and/or Student will contact faculty to create a written agreement if additional absences are necessary.
- Audio Description: A student who is blind or has low vision may need visual presentations (typically films) described auditorily. This is done either professionally, requiring the film to be sent out to a service, or with a live person present who can describe the visual scenes that are crucial to fully understanding the content/intent of the video/film to the individual during the viewing.
- Braille and Tactile Course Materials: Braille is a written system of embossed symbols that are read using the sense of touch. Tactile course materials are representations of written, drawn, or graphically displayed materials that are also in tactile form. Maps and graphs can be made using a variety of materials. A student or a professor can request that tactile materials be provided by CDR. CDR will also emboss readings into Braille when requested. When an instructor plans to use a class handout (hard copy) that does not have an equivalent electronic copy that can be read through a screen-reader, and a student who is blind or has low vision and is a Braille-user, instructors should work with CDR in advance to ensure that a Braille copy is ready for the student when needed.
- Breaks During Class: A student may need to leave class for a disability-related reason. The student is expected to do this as discretely as possible. This accommodation does not require the entire class to have breaks, only the individual, and only when needed.
- Closed Captioning: Text displayed on a screen for a student who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing. All videos shown in class must have closed captioning enabled. This also applies to any specific, out of class video assignments. Please note that the automatic captioning provided by sites such as YouTube are not always acceptable in terms of quality and providing equal access to the content. We encourage instructors to contact CDR and/or Bird Library, if they need technical support. Please do so well in advance of the date the videos will be screened.
- Computer Assisted Real-Time Translation (CART): CART is a service that provides real time transcription of the lecture or discussion and is typically provided for Deaf students. It is provided by a CART transcriptionist using computer technology. A copy of the transcript of the lecture may be made available to the instructor upon request. This service should be arranged in advance through CDR.
- Course Materials in an Alternative Format: This accommodation is provided for an individual with a print disability who needs written material available in a screen-readable, electronic format. If the material is graphic, then “Alt Text”, which is a description of an image, graph, or any other visual representation, must be added and is required for students who are blind. Printed handouts for use during classes need to be sent to students in an electronically accessible format prior to class.
- Enlarged Print: Students with this accommodation may need all handouts and class materials in enlarged font/print. The font size can vary depending on the student’s needs, and students should notify instructors what font size is necessary for access. Electronic versions of the material can often be enlarged on a computer screen so this may work as an alternative to printing documents in enlarged font for classes.
- Interpreting: ASL Interpreters are individuals who are professionally trained in the designated sign language to translate lectures, discussions, and conversations in classes and other academic venues in real time. The interpreters for classes will be arranged through CDR and will be present in classes. Interpreting must also be arranged for any other academic event that is related to the class.
- Notetaking Technology: Allow use of laptop or other technologies for note taking purposes: Use of technology software or hardware of their choosing to record the lecture during class. When a class has a technology usage policy, and class notes and/or recordings are available to all students, this accommodation may not be necessary for access and must be discussed with the professor.
- Peer Note Taker: The student will have access to notes taken by another member of the class who is hired and paid by CDR. These peer notes are posted in the Student Disability Portal, and instructors have access to the notes in the Faculty Disability Portal. Only students who are approved for the peer note accommodation will have access to these notes.
- Preferential Seating: This refers to a specific seating location within the classroom.
- Specialized Furniture: This refers to furniture that meets the specific needs of an individual. CDR will supply and arrange the furniture in the classroom settings. This furniture is identified with a CDR sticker, and faculty may need to assist students if the required furniture is occupied by another student or missing from the classroom.