

Accommodations are fluid, and students can meet with an access coordinator at any point to discuss barriers and re-evaluate needs.

How to Request Accommodations:

Step 1: Complete Registration Form: Our interactive process includes gathering as much input as possible regarding your educational experience and history of utilizing accommodations; therefore, allow 30 to 60 minutes to complete the registration form. Complete the form as thoroughly as possible, detailing your learning experiences and request for specific accommodation and support. Please do not wait to register due to the lack of proper documentation.

Step 2: Receive Next-Steps E-mail: After registering you will receive an email detailing the next steps. For currently enrolled students, allow 2-3 business days for an initial review, detailing who your access coordinator is and instructions on how to schedule a welcome meeting. For incoming students, prior to June 1st, you will receive confirmation of your registration and general information on next steps and after June 1st detailing who your assigned access coordinator is and instructions on how to schedule a welcome meeting.

Step 3: Schedule Welcome Meeting : Once you receive your email, log onto the Disability Student Portal to schedule your Welcome Meeting. If you have difficulty scheduling your Welcome Meeting or any follow-up meeting, please call us at 315-443-4498 for assistance.

Step 4: Upload Relevant Documentation: Complete the form as thoroughly as possible, detailing your learning experiences and request for specific accommodation and support. If your documentation is password protected, provide the password in the document title when uploading. Students can review our Documentation Guidelines here.

Disability Student Portal Login

Frequently Asked Questions

Accommodations in the postsecondary setting refer to “academic adjustments and auxiliary aids” put in place to provide for equally effective access to programs, benefits and services for qualified individuals with disabilities. The goal is to remove unnecessary academic barriers that intersect with the functional limitations of a disability.

Types of Accommodations

Testing Accommodations

  • Classroom Accommodations
  • Housing Accommodations

    • To provide equal access, equal opportunity, and ensure non-discrimination. This includes that disabled students can fully engage in the same activities, campus services, and enjoy the same benefits and experiences available to students without disabilities.
    • To address barriers at the intersection of the disability and the environment.
    • Accommodations are not intended to ensure academic success or lessen student responsibilities to meet college-level standards, but rather utilize the same information shared with other students so disabled students have the same opportunity to achieve as non-disabled students.

    A qualified student with a disability. Defined by Americans with Disability Act, as Amended 2008 (ADAAA) is an individual with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities or an individual with a record of such impairment.

    Need more help? Ask an Access Coordinator during Drop-in Hours:

    Day Morning Hours Afternoon Hours
    Weekdays (except Thursday) 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm