
Academic Support with Learning Strategists: Meet with a learning strategist to work on time management, organizational skills, breaking down assignments, study strategies, note taking skills, writing support and other general academic supports. 

Tutoring: Students are eligible for up to $200.00 per semester in voucher codes to use towards peer tutoring at CLASS in Bird Library. Learning Strategists help students find and secure content tutors through CLASS. Information and referrals to other on-campus resources, such as the Math Clinic, Writing Center, Physics Clinic, Barnes Center, Academic Advising, and other resources.

Learn more about Academic support here

Students are assigned to work with an Access Coordinator upon registration with CDR.  Access Coordinators work with students throughout their academic career. They can help with:

  • Advocacy and support
  • Acting as central point of contact for disability-related issues
  • Acting as liaison between students, faculty and staff as appropriate
  • Disability-related crisis referral & support
  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive Accommodation Plan
  • Transition counseling

an official written communication which lists approved accommodations through CDR. Letters are disbursed to students and instructors of the courses they are enrolled in after meeting with an Access Coordinator. These letters must be manually renewed by students at the start of each semester.

Ex: text-to-speech, speech -to-text, screen readers, magnifiers, speech recognition software, alternate text format, and self-editing software.

Classroom Accommodations such as interpretation services/CART for Deaf or Hard of Hearing (HOH) students, preferred seating, arrangements for note-takers and live scribe technology, adaptive tables and chairs, assisted listening devices, and other individualized accommodations deemed appropriate.

Disability Portal – an access portal for students and faculty to use via Myslice.  The portal allows students/faculty to view accommodation letters, manage exam sign-ups and more. The link to the Disability Student Portal can be found on MySlice in the Disability Resources Tile.

Temporary Accommodations – request accommodations for temporary disabilities, such as a broken hand, foot, concussion, etc.

Learn about temporary accommodations here.

CDR works with SU Transportation to provide door-to-door or curb-to-curb accessible transportation for students with mobility-related needs.

Learn more about accessible transportation here.