Graduate Students

CDR recognizes that graduate student experiences, especially those outside of the classroom, can be unique and challenging.  We are eager to partner with you and your faculty to promote an enriching and inclusive experience.  To that end, we invite students to connect early with us and learn more about how we can support their educational journey.

CDR will only ask for documentation relevant to the specific accommodation students request.  Do not wait to register due to lack of documentation–we will work with you throughout the process.

Register for accommodations here

  • When it comes time for the comprehensive exams, an Access Coordinator will work directly with you and your faculty advisor to determine what type of accommodations are appropriate and necessary for equal access.
  • Field placements, internships, practicums and other professional placements can differ substantially from academic coursework. Students should have a conversation with their advisor to learn more about aspects of the field/clinical placement such as site(s), what the physical environments are likely to be, learning objectives and expectations, timelines, etc. Then, students can discuss these details with their Access Coordinator to determine if an accommodation is necessary. The Access Coordinator may also need to connect with field site supervisors to work through appropriate accommodations.

Learn how to start discussing placements/exams with an Access Coordinator here.

In these positions, students are considered employees. Many graduate students may hold positions and could require accommodations in these roles. Employment-related accommodations are handled by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Disability Access and Inclusion staff. Your Access Coordinator can help connect you to their office.

Students may reach out to ODI directly here.


Graduate student housing is available on South Campus. Once students apply for university housing, they should register with CDR and request a housing accommodation if needed.

Apply for housing accommodations here.

    Requesting Accommodations:

    • Reasonable Accommodations: Students are entitled to reasonable accommodations to ensure equal participation in academic and campus life.
    • Interactive Process: CDR will engage in an interactive process with the student to determine reasonable accommodations.
    • Accommodation Plan: Once approved, CDR will create an accommodation plan tailored to the student’s needs.

    Request Accommodations

    Employment-based accommodations

    Graduate students who are given teaching roles and serve as instructors are considered employees at Syracuse University. Employees are advised to work with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) to discuss employment-related accommodations.

    Other Resources: